Animals provide us with so much joy through their unconditional love, yet not all animals are given the same opportunity to share that love. Learn how you can make a difference.


Adopt a Farm Animal - Want to rescue a farm animal but don't have the space in your living room for a cow, try adoption! Organized by Farm Sanctuary, this adoption program will support the necessary care for a rescued farm animal.


Join Local Advocates - Help advocates protect pets in your community. Grassroots movements build tremendous momentum. Join your neighbors in protecting pets and keeping them out of kill shelters.  Best Friends Animal Society continues to provide the support and resources for this compassionate movement.


Legislature Alerts - The best defense for animals is an informed electorate.Best Friends Animal Society has complied a nice list of pet-friendly laws and ordinances currently in state and federal congress.


Begin Effective Activism - United Poultry Concerns has done a fantastic job of creating and organizing content around effective activism. 


Climate change impacts know no boundaries, affecting communities worldwide. From extreme weather events to rising sea levels, the challenges are evident. It's time to unite and take meaningful Climate Action to protect our planet's future. Here are three steps you can take:

1. Reduce Your Carbon Footprint: Adopt eco-friendly practices in your daily life. Conserve energy, use public transportation, reduce waste, and support sustainable products to lower your carbon emissions.

2. Advocate for Climate Awareness: Raise your voice for climate change awareness. Engage with local and global initiatives, urging leaders to prioritize environmental policies and invest in renewable energy sources.

3. Support Climate Initiatives: Contribute to organizations dedicated to combating climate change. Support projects that focus on conservation, reforestation, and sustainable development to build a greener future.

Climate change requires collective efforts, and each action, no matter how small, contributes to a greater impact. Let's stand together to protect our planet for current and future generations.


Every child should realize their full potential! Access to a quality education, food security, healthcare, and stable housing should never stunt a child's joy. Learn how you can make a difference to the children in your community.


Host a Drive - Until poverty no longer exist, there will always be children in need. If you live in the Boston, Chicago, or Philidelphia area you can host a drive for Cradles to Crayons. If you are outside these locations, you can host a drive for your local youth organization.


Provide a Nurturing Environment through Art, Education, and Wellness programs. If you have a skill to share and a passion for teaching, partner with your local community center to bring programs to underserved communities. 


Participating in art education and wellness programs help build self-esteem, confidence, and social skills, as well as providing a safe and supportive environment for students to express themselves. However, many of these programs are underfunded. Browse DonorsChoose.org to find a classroom that needs supplies for their next project. 


Connect with your local zoning board to find out what they are doing to expand low income housing. Local governments can reform zoning laws to allow for more density and mixed-income developments, which can increase the supply of low-income housing.


Human rights belong to every human. As more anti-LGBTQ+ bills are introduced to congress more needs to be done to advance full equality for LGBTQ+ people. Take action to help more of our neighbors learn to embrace humans for being humans.


Becoming a Crisis 
Support Counselor - Acceptance from at least one adult can decrease the risk of LGBTQ+ youth attempting suicide by 40%. And you don’t need a special degree or a license to become a trained Trevor counselor.


Be an Ally - Support and stand up for LGBTQ+ individuals, even if you do not identify as LGBTQ+ yourself. Speak out against discrimination. When you see or hear discriminatory language, jokes, or behaviors, speak out against them. Bring awareness to it and share your discomfort.


Legislatures at every level need to hear from you. It is important they hear from their constituency and what is important to you. If you are looking for a specific action item, visit Family Equality's Action Center for the comprehensive information helpful to begin.


VOTE - Make sure you're registered to vote in the next election. Then support political candidates and policies that promote LGBTQ+ rights and equality.


The ocean is the life support for everything living thing on earth. It provides us with food and water. It also produces half the air we breathe! That seems like a pretty good reason to keep it healthy. Learn what you can do to help protect it!

Farmers Market

Reduce Plastic Use - Unfortunately, much of our "recycled" plastic still ends up in the ocean. It's best to reduce our plastic use. Avoid single-use plastic products such as straws, cutlery, and food packaging. Bring your own straws and buy loose produce. While recycling alone does not solve the plastic pollution problem, it is still important. Make sure you know what can be recycled in your area and properly sort your waste.


Limit Your Chemicals: Many chemicals used in agriculture and industry can end up in the ocean and harm marine life. Limiting the use of these chemicals can help to protect ocean ecosystems.


Compost - There are so many benefits to composting!Composting organic material such as food scraps and yard waste diverts these materials from landfills, where they can release methane, a potent greenhouse gas. This in turn reduces the amount of waste that ends up in the ocean. Compost enriches soil, making it more fertile and better able to absorb water. This can reduce soil erosion, which can contribute to water pollution and ocean acidification. Composting can also support local agriculture by providing a rich source of nutrients for crops, reducing the need for imports and the associated carbon footprint. Composting organic matter captures carbon, keeping it out of the atmosphere and helping to slow down climate change. 


Protect Coral Reef Ecosystems - Create a fundraiser for CORAL on Facebook or Instagram to encourage your friends to help save coral reefs. 

beach cleanup

Organize a Beach Cleanup - Gather some friends and neighbors who want to help protect the ocean. Find the water to you. If you live near a beach that's great! Otherwise find your closest waterway.